CMS has operated in the Pacific Northwest for over 30 years. As a result, we understand the interplay between different hubs in our region and how to source gas cost effectively. As your business grows and changes, we can source your natural gas, create a budget for you, hedge it according to your risk tolerance, and green you up to be in compliance with all the current environmental regulations.
The majority of natural gas is comprised of methane or CH4 and is found in either traditional oil and gas formations or through the fracking of shale rock formations. The Pacific Northwest sources the majority of our natural gas from Canadian suppliers. Shipped from the British Columbia/Washington State border to the Rocky Mountains, the NW Pipeline is integral to the many industries and residents located in our region and acts as a key base load to back up renewables on our Electric Grid. Having someone with local knowledge of the energy infrastructure is invaluable.
CMS understands how to source Natural Gas and ensure reliable, cost effective service. For questions, please reach out to one of our members on the Sales Team.

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) and Carbon offset are both going to be instrumental in helping large end users meet the upcoming environmental targets mandated by the State. CMS can supply RNG through a number of local and regional suppliers and can help facilitate the purchasing, tracking, and contracting for this supply to meet your environmental mandates and goals. CMS is actively engaged in bringing new RNG supply into the region. CMS also has access to accredited Carbon Offsets helping customers navigate the options, cost, and tracking.
CMS can help you decipher your options, the costs associated, and the environmental benefits. For more details, please reach out to one of our Sales Team members.
Secondary supply of electricity or direct access electricity options are limited in the Pacific Northwest. That being said, CMS has helped customers with large electric load purchase independent of the utility and to navigate the complex regulatory environment. We have long term relationships with many of the key electric producers in the region and there are significant volumes of renewable options to meet your needs.
We can facilitate the connection between our customers and direct access electricity. For more details, please reach out to one of our Sales Team members.